Terms of Use

Last modified: 30 Jun 2024

  1. Introduction
  2. Welcome to the Billions Platform! www.billions.ae and any of its subdomains or associated applications (the “Billions Platform”) has been created by, and is owned and operated by, Billions Global Ltd (collectively, “Billions”, “we”, “our” or “us”). These terms (the “Terms”) have been put in place so that you can understand your rights and responsibilities when using the Billions Platform. Please read these Terms carefully and reach out to us at support@billions.ae if you have any questions.

    By accessing the Billions Platform, you agree that you have read, understood and accept these Terms, you will adhere to these Terms, and that these Terms govern your access to and use of the software, applications, extensions, and other products and services we provide through or for the Billions Platform. You must be at least 18 years old to use the Billions Platform. You represent and warrant that you meet the applicable age requirements and are competent to agree to these Terms.

    If you are not willing to be bound by these Terms, or if any representation made herein by you is not true, you should not use, and must cease using, the Billions Platform.

    “You” and “your” means any person or entity accessing or using the Billions Platform. If you use the Billions Platform on behalf of another person or entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to accept these Terms on that person's or entity's behalf, that by using the Billions Platform you are accepting these Terms on behalf of that person or entity, and that if you, or that person or entity, violates these Terms, you and that person or entity agree to be liable to us.

    We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove all or any part of these Terms at any time, whether due to changes to applicable laws, regulations or policy, or for any other reason whatsoever; thus, we suggest that you review these Terms each time you access the Billions Platform. Your continued access to and/or use of the Billions Platform constitutes acceptance of any such changes to these Terms.

  3. Privacy
  4. Please review our Privacy Notice (which can be accessed here: www.billions.ae/privacy), which explains how we process and maintain the privacy of the Personal Data that you submit when you create your account on the Billions Platform. Such Privacy Notice is hereby incorporated into these Terms. As used herein, “Personal Data” is information and data referring to, directly or indirectly, an identified or identifiable natural person.

  5. Use of the Billions Platform
    1. Availability and Access
    2. The Billions Platform is made available on an 'as is' basis, with no representation or warranty with respect to its functionality or availability. You should not claim, and do not have, any rights to access any or all of the Billions Platform, including any account you may create on the Billions Platform. Your access to all or part of the Billions Platform may be prohibited, restricted, suspended, cancelled or terminated at any time without prior notice (which may include us not approving your account or cancelling your account at our sole discretion for any reason or for no reason); provided, that, if you have completed a securities transaction that is part of the Billions Platform (each, a “Transaction”), we will ensure that you continue to receive all information required to be provided to you in respect of such Transaction in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

      We may update the Billions Platform at any time in our sole discretion without any prior notice of any such update, which may include deleting any part of the Billions Platform. Any such updates to the Billions Platform shall, as applicable, become part of the Billions Platform and are subject to these Terms.

      Your use of the Billions Platform does not entitle you to any support, upgrades, enhancements or fixes in respect of the Billions Platform or your access to it; however, if you are having any issues accessing or using the Billions Platform, please contact us at support@billions.ae so that we can assist.

    3. Investor Status Representation
    4. The Billions Platform and each Transaction are available solely to investors who qualify to participate in such Transactions based on applicable securities laws and regulations, have a minimum net worth, and are sophisticated investors with prior investing experience.

      When establishing your account on the Billions Platform, you may need to make certain representations based on your qualification to receive information in respect of and/or participate in Transactions, which you agree to answer truthfully and accurately. You may need to make additional confirmations in respect of your qualification to participate in a Transaction prior to entering into or prior to the completion of a Transaction.

    5. Investment Principles and Representations
    6. You should be aware at all times when using the Billions Platform or contemplating or entering into any Transaction that, and by using (and continuing to use) the Billions Platform you acknowledge and agree that:

      1. there are risks of loss (total or partial) associated with investing in any investment vehicle of any type. In particular, alternative investments in private placements are highly speculative and involve a high degree of risk. The value of any investment may go down as well as up and you may have the money you originally invested returned to you. If you cannot afford to lose your entire investment, you should not enter into a Transaction;
      2. any reference to risks in relation to a Transaction should not be considered to be, or construed as, a disclosure of all risks or a complete discussion of the risks that are mentioned;
      3. past investment performance of a firm, fund, investment vehicle, securities or an investment class is not a guarantee or predictor of future investment performance;
      4. investments in alternative assets are highly illiquid. If you cannot retain the capital invested in a Transaction for the duration required by such Transaction (which, in respect of closed-end vehicles, is typically at least ten (10) years), you should not enter into any such Transaction;
      5. any or all of the Transactions may not be suitable for you. You assume the sole responsibility for evaluating the merits and risks associated with any Transaction and must make your own independent decision regarding entering into any Transaction based on your own particular needs, investment objectives and financial situation, which we have not taken into account when including or making available a Transaction on the Billions Platform;
      6. any information, data, communication, opinions or analyses in respect of a Transaction that is included on, accessed via, or received by you due to your account on, the Billions Platform, or attributed to any person or entity that is in any way connected to the Billions Platform:
        1. does not address your own particular circumstances, constitute a recommendation that you should enter into a Transaction nor constitute a representation that a Transaction is suitable or appropriate for you; and
        2. may contain forward-looking statements as well as projections, opinions, forecasts, or estimates. Words such as 'believe', 'expect', 'anticipate', 'estimate', 'intend', 'aim', 'plan', 'may' and similar expressions may be used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current assumptions and are subject to risks and uncertainties that are beyond our control. We are under no obligation to update or amend any of these statements as a result of the latest information, future developments, or otherwise. You acknowledge and agree that the actual results may vary and differ from any predictions or estimates;
      7. you should, and will, only enter into a Transaction after carefully reviewing, assessing and understanding all risks, terms, requirements, fees and charges associated with such Transaction, which includes reviewing, assessing and understanding the relevant documentation (including, but not limited to, the applicable private placement memorandum and supplement thereto, as well as the subscription agreement) and the disclaimers, warnings and risks stated therein;
      8. you will obtain appropriate professional advice prior to entering into a Transaction (which may include, but not be limited to, legal, tax, accounting, Shariah-compliance and other advice);
      9. the fact that a Transaction, third-party manager, fund or investment strategy is included on, able to be accessed via, or discussed with you by a person or entity that is in any way connected to the Billions Platform should not, and will not, be construed as being a recommendation or endorsement by us or the Billions Platform of such Transaction, third-party manager, fund or investment strategy;
      10. you should not, do not have, and should not cause any third party to have, any expectation that the Billions Platform, and any person or entity that is in any way connected to the Billions Platform, provides (or should provide) investment or any other advice or recommends (or should recommend) any Transaction or other investment. We are not, and do not act as, an investment adviser to you or any other person or entity; and
      11. the Billions Platform, and any person or entity that is in any way connected to the Billions Platform, does not give, and should not be construed as giving, investment, legal, taxation, financial, Shariah-compliance, professional or other advice.
    7. General Representations
    8. You acknowledge and agree that:

      1. you have all requisite power and authority to enter into, accept and adhere to these Terms;
      2. upon our request, you will provide us or our designated agent with any documentation, agreement or release as necessary to validate, verify or confirm your agreement to and compliance with these Terms;
      3. you hereby waive any and all defences that you may have based on the electronic form of these Terms and the lack of signing or other formal execution of these Terms by you and Billions;
      4. if your use of the Billions Platform contravenes applicable laws or regulations to which you are subject, you will immediately cease using the Billions Platform; and
      5. the data and information that you have submitted to, or via, the Billions Platform is accurate and correct, and you will notify us by contacting datasupport@billions.ae or update your account details if any such submitted data or information becomes inaccurate or incorrect.
    9. No Unlawful Use
    10. You acknowledge and agree that you will only use the Billions Platform and its contents for lawful purposes. The following is a non-exhaustive list of actions that are expressly prohibited in respect of the Billions Platform, each of which you agree not to do:

      1. using the Billions Platform in any way that violates applicable laws or regulations, is in contravention of these Terms or causes Billions to be required to register as an investment adviser (or equivalent) with a local regulator;
      2. using the Billions Platform to commit, or cause others to commit, an unlawful act;
      3. misleading, defrauding or deceiving Billions, including, but not limited to, misrepresenting your identity, authority, representations or location, such as by providing fraudulent Personal Data or using tools to hide or mask your Internet protocol address in order to access the Billions Platform;
      4. disrupting or interfering with, or attempting to disrupt or interfere with, the Billions Platform and the use of it by any users or any host or network, whether by:
        1. hacking, or attempting to hack, any part of the Billions Platform, any system used to run the Billions Platform, or any system accessed through the Billions Platform;
        2. making, or attempting to make, any alteration to the Billions Platform, or any third-party website or software on which the Billions Platform is embedded on, which includes (but is not limited to) changing, removing or obscuring any part of the Billions Platform, such as any notice, instruction, hyperlink or logo;
        3. distributing a virus or any other technology, or uploading or transmitting any other device, intended to cause nuisance, loss, corruption, disablement, harm to or distortion of the Billions Platform or any of its content, any system used to run the Billions Platform or any system accessed through the Billions Platform;
        4. restricting, limiting or inhibiting any other person from using the Billions Platform;
        5. without the prior approval of Billions, scraping the Billions Platform;
        6. accessing or searching the Billions Platform (such as through any automated system or unauthorized script or software) other than via your assigned account;
        7. disabling, disrupting or circumventing any security device or security feature of, or used by, the Billions Platform including any such security feature that restricts or enforces limitations on the use of or access to the Billions Platform, such as probing or scanning the vulnerability of any system, network or breach; or
        8. any other means, mechanism, process or system;
      5. without our prior written approval, using any data or information (other than any of your own Personal Data that you have submitted to the Billions Platform) included on, accessed via or received by you due to your account on the Billions Platform, whether or not related to a Transaction, for any commercial or investment activity other than contemplating or entering into a Transaction;
      6. without our prior written approval, altering, modifying, decompiling, modifying, deriving from or copying any software, source code, or the structure of the Billions Platform or any data or information (other than any of your own Personal Data that you have submitted to the Billions Platform) included on, accessed via or received due to your account on the Billions Platform;
      7. storing any Personal Data (other than your own Personal Data that you have submitted to the Billions Platform) included on, accessed via or received due to your account on the Billions Platform, other than if lawfully permitted to do so;
      8. selling access to the Billions Platform or any Transaction without our prior written authorisation to do so;
      9. marketing competing services to persons or entities that you have identified through, or due to your use of, the Billions Platform; and
      10. disparaging, damaging the reputation of, or otherwise harming us, the Billions Platform, and any third-party fund manager or fund that is connected to a Transaction.

      Any unlawful or unauthorised use of the Billions Platform immediately terminates your ability to use and access the Billions Platform.

    11. No Right or Title
    12. All rights, title, and interests in and to the Billions Platform, and any data or information (other than any of your own Personal Data that you have submitted to the Billions Platform) included on, accessed via or received due to your account on the Billions Platform, is and remains the exclusive property of Billions.

      When you create an account on the Billions Platform, we grant you a limited license to use and access the Billions Platform subject to these Terms. You acknowledge that your account on, use of, and access to, the Billions Platform does not give you any ownership right, title or interest of any kind in the Billions Platform or any data or information (other than any of your own Personal Data that you have submitted to the Billions Platform) included on, accessed via or received due to your account on the Billions Platform, or any software used by or otherwise available through or accessed via the Billions Platform.

      Without our express prior written consent, you must not reproduce, duplicate, copy, distribute, sell, resell or otherwise exploit for any commercial purpose all or any part of the Billions Platform and any data or information (other than any of your own Personal Data that you have submitted to the Billions Platform) included on, accessed via or received by you due to your account on the Billions Platform. You must not frame or mirror any portion of the Billions Platform or otherwise incorporate any portion of the Billions Platform into any product or service. You do not have any right to use the Billions name or any of its trademarks, logos, domain names or other distinctive features of the Billions brand. You acknowledge and agree that any content on the Billions Platform (including your account and any information or data (including Personal Data) submitted by you) may be, subject to applicable law, deleted by us at any time without any notice to you.

    13. Confidentiality
    14. You agree to be bound by the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement that you accepted when establishing your account on the Billions Platform (which can be accessed here: www.billions.ae/nda). Such Non-Disclosure Agreement is hereby incorporated into these Terms.

      When using the Billions Platform, you may view, have access to or receive certain Personal Data, which may or may not include certain Personal Data that is considered 'sensitive' and subject to specific processing conditions (“Sensitive Data”). Other than any of your own Personal Data that you have submitted to the Billions Platform, you may not, without our prior written approval, reproduce, duplicate, copy, distribute, republish, sell, resell or store (or permit or cause person or entity to do any of the foregoing) any Personal Data (including Sensitive Data) that you acquire through the Billions Platform or use any such Personal Data (including Sensitive Data) for any reason or purpose other than your evaluation of a Transaction.

      We have the right to access, obtain and disclose any information pertaining to you and your use of the Billions Platform (including any Transaction that you may enter into) as we reasonably believe is necessary in order to:

      1. comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process with lawful jurisdiction over such disclosure or governmental or regulatory body's request;
      2. enforce these Terms (including investigating possible violations thereof);
      3. detect, prevent, review or address any fraud, security or technical issues in respect of the Billions Platform;
      4. respond to any issues, comments or complaints that you or other users may raise in respect of the Billions Platform or access thereto; or
      5. protect our rights, property or safety, or those of the Billions Platform and its users.
    15. Account Security
    16. Should you be asked to create a password for your account on the Billions Platform, you are required to use a password that has a mix of letters, capitalised letters, numbers, and symbols and that is a minimum of 8 characters. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password to your account on the Billions Platform and are strongly recommended to keep your account login details private. If you need any assistance with your password, please contact support@billions.ae

      In order to maintain the security of your account on the Billions Platform, you will generally be required to enter a one-time password (“OTP”) each time you access your account, which will be delivered to the e-mail address that is connected to your account. Each OTP is valid for a single use only and expires after five minutes. You should not share the OTP with any other person. Any misuse or unauthorised sharing of OTPs may result in access to your account being restricted or your account being suspended. We are not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from any unauthorised use of OTPs. If you are attempting to access your account but have not received the OTP, please contact support@billions.ae.

      We will never initiate contact with you to request the login details or an OTP for your account. If you receive a message about your account on the Billions Platform, or a request to provide an OTP for your account, and believe it may be fraudulent, or if you are unsure whether a communication is legitimately from or initiated by us, please immediately contact support@billions.ae.

      You must notify us immediately of any actual or suspected loss, theft or unauthorized use of your Billions account, password, an OTP, or any other breach of security of which you are aware, by contacting support@billions.ae.

    17. Use of Links
    18. Any links to third-party websites and/or resources that may be provided on, or accessed via, the Billions Platform are included for convenience only in the provision of further information. We do not, and do not undertake any obligation to, review, monitor or endorse any linked websites and/or resources and accept no responsibility or liability for your use of or reliance on the contents of any such linked websites and/or resources, which are accessed and used by you entirely at your own risk, or for the policies, practices or security measures of the operators of any such websites or resources. You acknowledge that we have no responsibility for the content of any linked websites and/or resources or for any loss or damages that you may sustain, directly or indirectly, as a result of your use of or access to any linked websites and/or resources.

    19. Recordings
    20. We hereby notify you that, in accordance with our rules and procedures, we may record all telephone and video calls and conversations (including those conducted using Microsoft Teams or equivalent providers) conducted by us or our affiliates, or by any of our or our affiliates' employees, consultants, agents or representatives, with you concerning these Terms, your account on the Billions Platform, a prospective Transaction or any Transaction that you have entered into.

      You hereby consent to the recording of any such telephone and video calls and conversations and agree that any such recordings may be submitted as part of discovery or as evidence in relation to any claims, proceedings, audits or requests that are from or initiated by you, us, any of our affiliates, a court of competent jurisdiction, an arbitrator, a regulator, or a governmental or other supervisory authority that pertains to, or is in connection with, Billions or any of our affiliates, employees, agents, consultants or representatives, these Terms, the Billions Platform, a prospective Transaction or any Transaction that you have entered into.

  6. Billions' Rights
  7. We reserve the right to access, retain and disclose any information that we reasonably believe is necessary: (a) to enforce these Terms; (b) in accordance with any applicable law, rule, regulation, legal process or request of any arbitrator, court, regulator, or governmental or other official; (c) to investigate potential or actual, protect against, or as a result of, non-adherence to these Terms, fraud, security or technical issues; (d) to respond to support requests; or (e) to protect and ensure the rights, property or safety of Billions, the Billions Platform, and any other person or entity.

  8. Disclaimers
  9. We do not make any investment recommendations. In particular, we do not recommend any Transaction, fund or other investment opportunity to you and do not state, infer or imply that any Transaction is suitable for you. No communication that we, our affiliates, or any of our or our affiliates' employees, agents, consultants or representatives may, directly or indirectly, make to you, nor any data, information or documents included on, accessed via or received by you via, or due to your account on, the Billions Platform, should be construed as a recommendation of any security, fund, fund manager or Transaction by us, our affiliates, or any of our or our affiliates' employees, agents, consultants or representatives. None of Billions, its affiliates, nor any employee, agent, consultant or representative of any of the foregoing, is or acts as an investment adviser and no part of the Billions Platform should, or is intended to, be construed as or constitute investment advice. None of Billions, its affiliates, nor any employee, agent, consultant or representative of any of the foregoing, is liable or responsible for any loss or damage (including any indirect, consequential, special or similar loss or damage) that you sustain as a result of you determining whether to enter into a Transaction, entering into a Transaction or failing to enter into a Transaction.

    We are not obligated to, and are not liable for any failure to, introduce you to anyone connected to the Billions Platform or a Transaction, including fund managers, analysts or other investors in such funds, or make you aware of any Transaction available, or soon to be available, on the Billions Platform.

    Unless expressly specified therein, we do not make or provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of any data, information or document included on, accessed via or received by you due to your account on the Billions Platform. You expressly acknowledge that the Billions Platform and its contents may contain inaccuracies, omissions, errors or outdated information and you assume any and all risks related to your use and access of, or your inability to use and access, the Billions Platform and the information contained herein. The past performance and/or previous achievements of Billions, the Billions Platform, and any fund, fund manager or Transaction, is not, and should not be construed as being, an assurance, guarantee, projection, or prediction of future outcomes and cannot be considered as indicative of future results. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Billions shall not be liable for any loss or damage (including any indirect, consequential, special or similar loss or damage) that you sustain as a result of your use of, access to, or your inability to use or access, the Billions Platform and your use or receipt of any data, information or document included on, accessed via or received by you due to your account on the Billions Platform.

    You acknowledge, understand and accept that use of the Billions Platform is subject to the risks inherent in any connection and transmission on the internet or using certain software and programmes, which include security risks and vulnerabilities, technical performance and risk of interruption. We do not represent or warrant that the Billions Platform, or any software or information downloaded from or accessed via the Billions Platform, will be free from viruses or other harmful components. Accordingly, we are not liable to you in any circumstances for any loss or damage (including any indirect, consequential, special or similar loss or damage) caused by disruption or failure of internet networks or for any interruptions to or restrictions on the accessibility of the Billions Platform. Additionally, we are not liable to you in any circumstances for any loss or damage (including any indirect, consequential, special or similar loss or damage) caused by a virus or other harmful contents that may infect your hardware, software, data, or any other proprietary material due to use of the Billions Platform, downloading any material available on, or able to be accessed via, the Billions Platform or any items, documents or information obtained through the Billions Platform, or any links redirecting you to another website.

    Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, certain jurisdictions prohibit the disclaimer of certain warranties or conditions or the limitation of certain types of liability. In such circumstances, to the extent that such prohibitions prohibit any exclusions and/or limitations as detailed in these Terms, such exclusions and limitations shall not apply to you solely to the extent necessary to make these Terms consistent with such prohibitions.

  10. Indemnification
  11. You indemnify and hold harmless Billions, our affiliates and shareholders, as well as the respective employees, officers, directors, consultants, representatives, members, managers, partners, agents and controlling persons of any of the foregoing, and their respective successors and assigns, from and against any and all liabilities, claims, costs, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses and any investigatory, legal and other expenses incurred in connection with, and any amounts paid in, any settlement), resulting from a demand, allegation, claim, lawsuit, action or proceeding arising out of:

    1. your use of, access to, or inability to use or access, the Billions Platform;
    2. your use of any data or information (other than any of your own Personal Data that you have submitted to the Billions Platform) included on, accessed via or received by you due to your account on the Billions Platform;
    3. your violation of any of these Terms; or
    4. the data or information that you have submitted, directly or indirectly, to the Billions Platform.
  12. Limitation of Liability
  13. We will not, under any circumstances, be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting, directly or indirectly, from your use of the Billions Platform, any content contained in the Billions Platform, and any third party links, applications or software posted on or accessible via the Billions Platform.

    In addition, we will not, under any circumstances, be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting, directly or indirectly, from any technical issue, impairment, fault or failure of any network, service, server or provider, software, hardware, computer or mobile telephone as a result of you using, accessing, or downloading the Billions Platform, its content or any third party links contained in the Billions Platform.

  14. Governing Law and Place of Jurisdiction
  15. These Terms, and any claim related directly or indirectly to these Terms, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates, without regard to the conflict of law provisions thereof.

    Any legal suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to these Terms shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the provisions set forth under the London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”) Arbitration Rules 2020 (the “Rules”), which are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The seat of the arbitration will be the Dubai International Financial Centre and the language of the arbitration will be the English language. The number of arbitrators will be three (3). Each party to the dispute shall nominate an arbitrator in writing. This nomination shall be treated as an agreement to nominate an arbitrator for all purposes in accordance with Article 7.1 of the Rules. The parties' nominees and the third presiding arbitrator shall be appointed by the LCIA in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Rules.

    Any arbitration award rendered pursuant to this clause shall be final, binding on the signatories and not subject to any appeal. Judgement for any award rendered pursuant to this clause may be entered in any court having jurisdiction or an application may be made to such court for a judicial recognition of the award or an order of enforcement thereof, as the case may be. Nothing in this clause shall preclude either you or Billions from seeking provisional measures to secure its rights from any court having jurisdiction or where any assets of the other party may be found.

  16. Miscellaneous
    1. The Privacy Notice and the Non-Disclosure Agreement are deemed to form an integral part of these Terms. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us relating to your use of the Billions Platform.
    2. You may not modify or amend any of these Terms. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove all or any part of these Terms at any time, whether due to changes to applicable laws, regulations or policy, or for any other reason whatsoever.
    3. If any provision of these Terms is held by an arbitrator, a court of competent jurisdiction or authority by judgment or order to be void, unenforceable, invalid or against any applicable policy, law or regulation, the remaining provisions in these Terms shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.
    4. Neither a failure nor a delay by you or us in exercising any of such party's rights under these Terms shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise preclude any further exercise of such rights.
    5. You may not delegate or assign these Terms, or any of your rights and obligations under these Terms, to any other person or entity at any time for any reason whatsoever. We have the right, in our sole discretion, to delegate or assign all or any part of these Terms, or any of its rights and obligations under these Terms, to any other person or entity at any time without any requirement to notify you of any such delegation or assignment.
    6. These Terms are between you and Billions. No other person or entity has any rights in relation to these Terms or may enforce, or seek to enforce, against us any rights or obligations set out in these Terms.
    7. The headings and captions in these Terms are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of these Terms.
    8. Words used in these Terms in the singular shall, where the context so permits, be deemed to include the plural and vice versa, which includes any definitions of terms included herein.
    9. These Terms have been prepared and agreed in the English language. Both you and Billions agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the English version shall be the only version valid for the purpose of the interpretation and construction, notwithstanding the preparation of any translation into another language, whether official or otherwise, or whether prepared in relation to any proceedings which may be brought in a non-English language jurisdiction.
  17. Termination
  18. These Terms remain in full force and effect for the duration that you are using or otherwise have an account on the Billions Platform. If you are not willing to be bound by these Terms, or if any representation made herein by you is not true, you should not use, and must cease using, the Billions Platform; provided, that, if you have entered into a Transaction that remains active but wish to cancel your account, restrictions on doing so may apply and you must contact support@billions.ae.

    We may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend your access to the Billions Platform, including terminating or suspending your account on the Billions Platform, without notice or liability, without cause or for any reason, including if, in our sole discretion, you violate any provision of these Terms. Additionally, we may change, suspend, remove, withdraw or stop providing the Billions Platform or any of its features to you or to our users generally. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, if you have completed a Transaction, we will ensure that you continue to receive all information required to be provided to you in respect of such Transaction in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

    Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the following provisions of these Terms (as well as any provisions of these Terms which, by their nature, should survive termination) shall survive any termination of these Terms or cessation of usage of the Billions Platform: Sections 2, 3(a), 3(g), 3(j), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

  19. Contact Details
  20. If you have any questions regarding these Terms, or need to contact us for any other reason as referenced herein, please use the following contact details: support@billions.ae.

    We will contact you using the contact details that are listed in your account on the Billions Platform at the time of such contact.